Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A lot can happen in the dash between 2 dates

 2024. 10 years since I last blogged about life. Oh to read those posts and chuckle at what I thought was hard. Granted at that time some of those things were hard to me and that’s okay. 10 years later and I’m closer to 40 than 20 and THAT is wild. A lot of life has happened. I’m going to do a brief yearly highlight and then maybe I’ll elaborate on them, maybe I won’t. Let’s start.

2014: last blogged 7 months and 8 days before my wedding. Well I did get married in November and it was perfect. Turns out my fear of a honeymoon baby turned into my perfect dogter being born. 

2015: We got our fur baby Darla in February!  I left a job I’d been at for 4 years and packed up my life to move to Franklin, TN where Taylor started a new job. My dad was also diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia this year.

2016: We lived in the tiniest apartment in Franklin, which is one of the wealthiest counties in the US at this point. We were not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. 

2017: We made the bold move to move back home after Taylor got a remote job. We made a pros and cons list of what would need to happen for us to stay or go. Everything fell into place and I got my old job back! 

2018: My grandmother passed away from colon cancer. We decided to move to Enterprise so we weren’t in Troy anymore. We found the perfect little house on a golf course that we loved. The biggest shock of 2018 was that we found out we were pregnant after trying for a while! Taylor left one remote job and started another! We had our first baby girl in November.

2019: We knew we were outgrowing our perfect little house so we decided to build a house. What a headache that was. We did love it though.

2020: probably the craziest year of my life. My middle sister moved her beloved Nashville to Missouri for a new job. We went and visited right before the world shut down for the Covid 19 pandemic. March 13th of that year was the last normal day we’d ever see before the new normal started…eventually. In April I lost my dad to the disease which was so incredibly heartbreaking. In the heartbreak we found out we were pregnant with baby number 2. We didn’t even know we were trying lol. He was due on Christmas Day and we welcomed him early December due to some crazy complications. 

2021: pandemic was still in full swing but most things had started to return to a different normal and everyone was figuring out how to navigate the new world. We thought that would be a fairly chill year but 6 months in we found out we were expecting baby boy number 3. Talk about a curveball.

2022: We welcome baby boy in March and he was the best little caboose. My mom sold her house and decided to move down the street from me! It’s been a wonderful blessing! I also found out I had a rare cancer that causes tumors in the small intestine. That was scary but thankfully we caught it fast and we got the tumors removed and maintenance was all that was needed.

2023: The very beginning of a chaotic year yet again. Our daughter was hospitalized with some of the most random sicknesses we’d heard of. She stayed 4 days and was sent home only to start a series of other appointments. That we’re still undergoing. I broke my wrist in February and lo and behold wouldn’t you know the day I found out I broke it I also found out I was expecting baby number FOUR. What on earth. Well baby 4 put us in for a wild ride. That summer our 3rd child was hospitalized at Children’s for some random illnesses as well. While there Taylor lost his job of almost 5 years in an email. Sitting in the hospital room with our sick baby he gets an email. We’ll never truly know what happened but I can’t help but feel a little bitter every time I think about it. But God quickly reminds me that it was part of his plan, even if I was 7 months pregnant. We trusted him and that we’d be taken care of and we were more than taken care of. Our 4th little dude decided to come a whole month early but turns out Taylor got offered a job the day he came so maybe that’s why, he just wanted to celebrate too. He came in September and life was so sweet.

2024: this current year has been a year for lots of ups and downs and lots of new. We’re no longer going to have surprise babies unless God makes that happen divinely. We’re very content with our chaos. Taylor loves his job and I decided to venture into homeschooling. What a wild ride it’s been but it is lots of fun and I am truly enjoying being a stay at home mom of 4! 

We’ll see where 2025 takes us. Although saying 2025 sounds so futuristic.