Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer's over..School is in full swing!

I haven't blogged in too long, I probably should just start, oh well! Summer is over now, and school is back in! I have 15 lovely hours of classes this semester! I love all of my classes though, they're hard, but FUN! I'm taking guitar lessons too, I love learning to play, although I don't have much time to practice, I am getting better! Its so weird being the "oldest" in college, I know I'm not technically the oldest, but I'm in my 4th year of college, and its SO crazy! Troy University has HORRIBLE parking!! This year they decided to separate parking, by, that isn't working. Poor freshman, they have the crap parking lots, upper classman have the ones closest to the buildings, but its still crazy! Its like we're vultures trying to find food, when we're finding spots. Its crazy that school has already been in for a week! Time is going by SO fast!

This summer was fun, but entirely too fast! I found out I'm going to be an AUNT..which excites me! February 1st we'll have a little baby in the family! Its still doesn't seem real, but I know its happening! I can't wait!

Now, back to homework, maybe I'll get better about blogging, probably not!

1 comment:

  1. You will be such a wonderful aunt! I am happy you are excited...
